Cinema rises up
Friday March 21, 2008
Years 68′
Le lieu unique invites le peuple qui manque for this Night 68′
Meet-discussion at the conclusion of projection in the presence of Jean-Michel Humeau, Lionel Soukaz, Aliocha Imhoff and Kantuta Quiros. Programming: Le peuple qui manque (Kantuta Quiros and Aliocha Imhoff)
La cour – 18h30 à 23h30
“The happenings of Jean-Jacques Lebel are the exact point where the theatre explodes. ” Jean Paul Sartre. “Temporary Situations, founded on the desire”, between erotic impulse and upheaval of social, unconscious and imaginary space, the happenings of Jean-Jacques Lebel, plastics technician and initiator of the happening in Europe, were often regarded as préfigurations of the events of May 68. Icon of the movement of May, it was one of the iron-of-lance, at the time more particularly, of the catch of the theatre of Odéon. (A.I & K.Q.) “The happening cannot nor does not want to replace a strike, an sex act or a psychoanalysis; it is not spectacle but collective dream. To apprehend such an experiment, it is necessary to achieve an experiment which makes jump the doors of perception. ”, wrote Jean Jacques Lebel, Carolee Schneemann, Jocelyn de Noblet, Daniel Pomereulle and Erro in 1964.
“At the same time call to the action and one emergency period old portrait in activism, this genuine proclamation of Black Panthers was at its time a tool for recruitment as much as a piercing criticism of the socio-economic situation of the American blacks. ” Olivier Pierre (Festival Est-ce ainsi que les hommes vivent)
“Imaginary Portrait of a CRS, the Mikono sergeant. The images of the confrontations of the Latin Quarter in May 1968 and the comment which turns in derision the police force make of this film a success of subversion and irony. ” (distribution : le peuple qui manque)
“Transitory and blazing, directly related on the psychedelic revolution and the generation hippie, the cinema French underground (or as one liked to say at the time, underground cinema), emerged in the against-cultural effervescence which announced and prepared the chamboulements May 68. Movies of protest, dispute, provocation, refusal. Agitprop and rough poetry. ” Jean Pierre Bouyxou “The films of Pierre Clémenti convert the political energy of the revolution into cinematographic substrates. To a poetic revolutionist Clémenti associates a policy of the forms and assembly. The libertarian contents marry an apology for freedom here. ” Jean Marie Samocki “Chronic of this end of century… Testimony of my life, forms newspaper on my activities of actor before and after 1973. Stammerings, fulgurances, illuminations, revealed intimacy which half-opens the radiant slit of the conscience, long multicoloured snake, ribbon clearing a passage to the call of the signs” Pierre Clémenti
Ixe, a film dedicated to the law of the same name. “Ixe, like a cry, a wound, is a film implosé, crucifié, designed to be projected on two screens simultaneously. It is a quartering with the four cardinal corners, at the four ends: the war, the sex, the religion and drug.”. Guy Hocquenghem. “Lionel Soukaz is a rare author. He films without taboo, without concession. Child of May 68, he is that of the sexual release, the pleasure of living with excess his desires, drug, the sex. Sensitive witness of its time, that which films his/her friends, Guy Hocquenghem, Copi and the others less famous, films also the tragedy of the AIDS, of the meetings of Act Up to the white walls of the hospital. To speak about its style, its tone, his/her friend, the philosopher Rene Schérer, evokes “a despaired vitality”, Nicole Brenez, fighting experimental cinema, qualifies its cinema “of political Eros”. ” Aude Lavigne, France culture, 2002
Thanks: Le lieu unique (Virginie Pringuet), Jean-Jacques Lebel, Jean-Michel Humeau, Françoise Janicot, Roger Danel, Danielle Jaeggi, Lionel Soukaz, Tripak, Balthazar Clémenti, Johanna Demetrakas, Prospective Image (Marie-Pierre Lemaître), Thirld World Newsreel (Roselly Torres), 360°et même plus (Ivora Cuzak), Collectif Jeune Cinéma (Violeta Salvatierra), Centre Pompidou (Gilles Bion, Alexis Constantin), Olivier Pierre.