Panorama of the feminist video-performance
contemporary Latin-American
Oblo cinema @ Lausanne
November, 18 and 19, 2009 at 8 pm

A program presented and conceived by Kantuta Quirós and Aliocha Imhoff.
Regina José Galindo
Poetess, vidéaste and performeuse, born in 1974, Regina Jose Galindo appear since the middle of the Nineties like one of the Guatemalan artists emblématiques of its generation, prize winner of the Lion of Gold to the Biennale de Venise in 2005. During its discussed performances, its body is the vehicle by which she denounces the political conflicts and is made clarification of the violence made to the women.
¿Quien puede borrar las huellas ? (2003, 2’, coul., son.) / Mientras, ellos siguen libres (2007, 2’, coul., son.) / Perra (2005, 5’, coul., son.)
Sandra Monterroso
The actions of Sandra Monterroso, performeuse and vidéaste Guatemalan born in 1974, are the place of a conflict between emancipation and cultural tradition. Its vidéoperformances is the trace of a car-catch of conscience, a work of sabotage of the social regulations and passage between several worlds.
Deformación # 33 (2007, 5’, coul., son.)
María Adela Díaz
Born in Guatemala in 1973, living in Los Angeles, vidéaste and performeuse, María Adela Díaz puts in scene its autobiographical experiment of migrant without paper in California.
Borderline (2005, 2’, coul, son.) (distribution: le peuple qui manque)

The feminist collective Bolivian Mujeres creando has carried out for more than fifteen years, an enthralling development between urban, critical intervention radical, irrepressible Utopia, celebration ostentation of the body, the pleasure, the daily newspaper, the powers of the imaginary one. Graffiteuses and vidéastes, they reject any separation of art, their actions of street drawing a single ethical posture in its kind of agitatrices, in fight against patriarchal oppressions, the colonial diagrams, the neoliberal policies.
Mujeres Creando – Acciones – Creando Mujeres – sélection (2001, vost, 24’)
Mujeres Creando & Maria Galindo – Mama no me lo dijo – sélection (2003, vost, 30’)
Cinema Oblo
Avenue de France 9
Lausanne, Suisse
more informations on https://www.oblo.ch/
Curators and texts : Kantuta Quiros & Aliocha Imhoff (le peuple qui manque)
Thanks: The artists, Oblo Cinema (Sara Tocchetti).