Pachakuti film premiere
6th Mardin Biennial

As part of the 6th Mardin Biennial (May 10 – June 10, 2024, Turkey), under the title “Further away” (Daha Uzaklara).
Curated by sociologist and philosopher Ali Akay, the 6th edition of Mardin Biennial, aiming to transform Mardin into one of the contemporary art centers and to provide the region with new approaches and gains through the language of art, will be hosted from May 10th to June 10th, 2024. Hosted by the Mardin Cinema Association since 2010, the biennial also aims to contribute to the visibility of the artistic background and production that already exist in the region as well as to the artists’ giving messages about life. The biennial welcomes art lovers both in Mardin’s historical places that incorporate its architecture and culture and in the places of daily life.
The Biennial’s statement.
“Where can we turn our gaze to find the possibilities of coming out from the structure surrounding us in the concentrations that impede our freedoms and to look at the globalized past of societies?
We are going through a period in which we think we have surpassed it but which re-enters an identitarian state within the open cages that grip us tightly. How can we transform the post-colonial and feminist, intersectional struggle against nature, culture (Anthropocene and capitalocene), plants, animals, other people, ethnicities, nations, classes, regions, and struggle against racism in the context of decolonial deconstruction into “coexistence”?
Without denying any of these and consistently struggling with them, How can we overcome these problems by going through them without getting tired and giving up the struggle? And how can we imagine more ‘’further’’ by transcending them?
How can we organize the changes and transformations in family relations (single-parent families, multiple marriages, and families with many children born from them, increase in non-biological family relationships) and technology (artificial intelligence, terrestrial, robotization, and informatization) in societies today?
In particular, How can we get out of the existing global scenario, and how can we communicate a “deliberative democracy” (between humans and also other living things as in the concept of “The Parliament of Things”) among living things?
The 6th Mardin Biennial will focus on these issues as a proposal to observe, think and create artistically. How can we think of going through these problems and transcending the period we live in by aiming further on the lands to be walked step by step?” Ali Akay
With Ahmet Ögüt / Ali Kazma / Allan Sekula / Asli Çavusoglu / Ayse Erkmen / Bouchra Khalili / Brice Dellsperger / Bruno Serralongue / Büke Uras / Cevdet Erek / Claire Fontaine / Claude Closky / Erik Bullot / Esma Ertel & Murat Ertel / Güçlü Öztekin / Günes Terkol / Inci Eviner / Inci Furni / Irem Günaydin / Laurent Grasso / le peuple qui manque / Liam Gillick / M/M (Michael Amzalag & Mathias Augustyniak) / Michele Ciacciofera / Mika Rottenberg & Mahyad Tousi / Nasan Tur / Nil Yalter / Özlem Altin / Rafael Lain & Angela Detanico / Sarkis / Serkan Özkaya / Seza Paker / Tarek Atoui / Thierry Kuntzel / Ugo Rondinone / Ulay (Frank Uwe Laysiepen) / Victor Burgin / Yildiz Moran / Yüksel Arslan
You can follow the 6th Mardin Biennial on this website.